
If you are going by the headline, then you may understand how watching porn videos for a long time can lead you to practice and execute religious activities. With the evolution of digital technology, mobile responsive websites are making a wide presence, and that is the reason one would find millions of mobile porn sites to watch videos of their favorite porn celebrities.

According to the researchers from the University of Oklahoma, people who more addicted to porn videos tend to be more religious than others due to the guilt they feel every time after watching porn.

As per the assistant professor of sociology and religious studies, watching pornography may develop guilt feelings. It happens more if a person feels that he or she is violating the rule of their religion.

In the Journal of Sex Research, the assistant professor has mentioned that with the significant increase in porn video watching all over the world in today’s time, both men and women are looking for ways to rationalize their changing behavior. They are practicing and executing religious rituals and activities to overcome their guilt feeling, which they experience while watching porn videos.

How was the research conducted?

The researchers knew it from beforehand that they need to research and examine clearly for a long period to reach the conclusion. The participants on whom the research was conducted were followed for a timeline of six years. Pornography use of the participants and their religious activities were measured carefully by the researchers. Almost about 1314 adults, including both males and females, took part in the research study and answered questions asked by the researchers about their pornography use and religious practices. YOu can visit incestflix to watch incest porn online for free from xnxx and many other tube sites. Milfzr and  Pornhub

The researchers came to a conclusion at the end, after conducting the research continuously for 6 years that associated with pornography after controlling factors like age and gender were associated with low religious practices. However, religious activities increased once the participants started watching porn videos more frequent than once a week.

Many scholars have even mentioned that the religious and spiritual values of a person increased when they keep themselves away from watching pornography. The research clearly suggests that more pornography viewing makes one feel guilty, and that is the prime reason they tend to become more religious to overcome their behavior in a quick time.

Bottom Line

There is nothing offensive about watching porn. However, becoming addicted to it may evoke guilt feelings that they cannot express or share with others. During those times, people start to become more religious and take part in rituals and religious activities.



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